Debunking Common Myths and Misconceptions
Despite proven benefits, misinformation still abounds regarding HGH therapy. Here we debunk some common myths with facts:
Myth: Growth hormone injections make you taller
Fact: Only children and adolescents still in growth spurts may gain some height from HGH therapy. Adult bone plates seal after puberty, preventing height changes.
Myth: Taking HGH can enable extreme muscle growth
Fact: Using excessively high HGH dosages that elevate levels massively above normal can spark significant muscle gains, along with dangerous health risks that we never recommend. Responsibly-dosed treatment produces moderate muscle improvements on par with dedicated strength training.
Myth: HGH therapy causes cancer
Fact: No evidence suggests HGH treatment causes cancer when dosage protocols are properly followed under a physician's care. However, we screen all patients for increased cancer risks before starting therapy.
Myth: HGH injections will help you live decades longer
Fact: While responsible HGH therapy with Human Antiaging Center can reverse aspects of aging by 5-20 years, there are no proven anti-aging effects beyond that. However, patients may live fuller, healthier lives in their older age thanks to HGH's diverse body and mind enhancements.